Saturday 24 August 2013

Giving it the boot

Hello plus sized ladies and gents!

Welcome to my blog for this week!!

My topic on this blog is "boots"

I have always had no end of trouble finding boots, and as its coming upto the winter im not going to get away with flipflops for much longer!

I have got wide calfs and as such even shops like Evans dont sell wide enough boots, I normally have to plump for the half boots and I dont want to, I want whole ones!!

If anyone can suggest boots for me I would be very grateful, I have always had this problem, I cant get boots from shoe zone or primark as I can barely get them on never mind do them up so I always have to get expensive ones, ive in the past had expensive ones that have only lasted me a few months and ive ended up disappointed by the quality of them.

So my quest for boots will take its usual course, evans first, then ebay, then the usual google search for "wide leg boots"

Well I will keep everyone updated in my quest for the perfect boots!!

Remember ladies and gents
" love you for you, noone else "

Lots of love

Sunday 11 August 2013

Hello Everyone!!

My name is lesley and im very new to all this blog stuffs, so as this is my first ever blog I will start just by telling you about myself!! 

I am 25, I live with my husband of 2 years and my 10 year old puppy dog!! 
I live in a small village called Chilmark in wiltshire! 

I was introduced to the blogging world by my sister-in-law, she had her own blog thing going on and I admire all she does with it! I wanted to join to meet like minded people, I am a plus sized girl with alot to say on the subject and like many other plus sized ladies, dont feel as though I have many people to talk to about the struggles of it! Things like shopping, clothes sizes being different in every shop, thinking people look at you and decide that because you are plus sized you should mope around wearing black and eating salad!! I used to fit with that stereotype and I had nothing but black clothes, but as I got older I thought do you know what, sod it, if I like it im gonna wear it! I love patterns and bright colourd clothing and ive decided that its about time I lived me for me and not what other people think! 

I say I am plus sized and proud! 

There us nothing wrong with being comfortable in your own skin, and hopefully I can share my experiences and thoughts on life, fashion tips and ideas and just general chit chat! 

I love being plus sized and my husband and family accept me for who I am! 

Please let me know how you feel about my first blog, when I get to grips with it abit better I will add some pictures!

Remeber ladies and gents " love you for you, no one else"

Lesley M

Join me on twittter  @LesleyCMurray